Original Research
The Oxygonum dregeanum complex (Polygonaceae)
Bothalia | Vol 18, No 2 | a1000 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v18i2.1000
| © 1988 G. Germishuizen
| This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 22 October 1988 | Published: 23 October 1988
Submitted: 22 October 1988 | Published: 23 October 1988
About the author(s)
G. Germishuizen, Botanical Research Institute, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (2MB)Abstract
The Oxygonum dregeanum Meisn. complex was studied. The following taxa are given a new status: subsp. swazicum (Burtt Davy) Germishuizen, stat. nov. and subsp. canescens (Sond.) Germishuizen, stat. nov. Four new varieties of subsp. canescens are described: var. linearifolium Germishuizen, var. nov.; var. dissectum Germishuizen, var. nov.; var. pilosum Germishuizen, var. nov. and var. lobophyllum Germishuizen, var. nov. Two new subspecies are described: subsp. streyi Germishuizen, subsp. nov. and subsp. lancedatum Germishuizen subsp. nov.
new status; new taxa; <i>Oxygonum dregeanum</i> complex; Polygonaceae; southern Africa; taxonomy
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