Original Research
The Eriosema squarrosum complex (Papilionoideae, Fabaceae) in southern Africa
Submitted: 23 October 1986 | Published: 22 July 1986
About the author(s)
C. H. Stirton, The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, United KingdomFull Text:
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Eriosema squarrosum (Thunb.) Walp. has traditionally been the dumping ground for all densely pubescent Eriosema species in southern Africa. This study clarifies the identity of E. squarrosum; recognizes three new taxa: E. luteopetalum C. H. Stirton, E. rossii C. H. Stirton and E. umtamvunense C. H. Stirton; effects the combinations E. latifolium (Benth. ex Harv.) C. H. Stirton and . acuminatum (Eckl. & Zeyh.) C. H. Stirton; and reinstates E. dregei E. Mey. The species E. preptum C. H. Stirton, described earlier, also belongs to this complex. Rhynchosia barbertonensis C. H. Stirton is given as a new name for E. rogersii Schinz.
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