Original Research

Intensity of plant collecting in southern Africa

G. E. Gibbs Russell, E. Retief, L. Smook
Bothalia | Vol 15, No 1/2 | a1112 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v15i1/2.1112 | © 1984 G. E. Gibbs Russell, E. Retief, L. Smook | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 29 October 1984 | Published: 06 December 1984

About the author(s)

G. E. Gibbs Russell, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, South Africa
E. Retief, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, South Africa
L. Smook, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, South Africa

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The intensity of plant collecting in southern Africa is mapped using records from the Pretoria National Herbarium Computerized Information System (PRECIS), For the entire area, over 85% of the quarter degree grid squares have fewer than 100 specimens recorded. Collecting intensities are compared for different countries, biomes and climatic zones. Future field work from the National Herbarium will be concentrated in areas most seriously under-collected.


check-lists; distribution maps; gamma diversity; herbarium; phytogeography; species diversity


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Crossref Citations

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