Original Research
A study of wood use for fuel and building in an area of Gazankulu
Submitted: 31 October 1983 | Published: 17 December 1983
About the author(s)
C. A. Liengme, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (2MB)Abstract
The utilization of wood for fuel and building timber was studied in a 13 000 ha area of Gazankulu, near Giyani. Headloads of firewood brought in by eight of the 978 families present were monitored during six periods in a year.
The two most important sources of firewood are Colophospermum mopane and Combretum apiculatum. Firewood consumption is estimated at an average of 14,9 kg per family per day. The annual demand for firewood in the whole study area is, therefore, approximately 5 300 tonnes. Living-huts and storage-huts in the process of being built were examined. The mean volumes of wood in living-huts and typical storage-huts are 1,30 m3 and1,09 m3, respectively. 89 living- and 80 storage-huts were built in a year. The demand for finished timber in the study area in that year was approximately 231 tonnes.
Timber use has not yet outstripped production, but it will do so soon if alternative timber sources are not provided.
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Crossref Citations
1. Cutting of trees by local residents in a communal area and an adjacent state forest in Zimbabwe
S.J. Vermeulen
Forest Ecology and Management vol: 81 issue: 1-3 first page: 101 year: 1996
doi: 10.1016/0378-1127(95)03656-3