Original Research

A broad-scale structural classification of vegetation for practical purposes

E. Edwards
Bothalia | Vol 14, No 3/4 | a1231 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v14i3/4.1231 | © 1983 E. Edwards | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 03 November 1983 | Published: 06 November 1983

About the author(s)

E. Edwards, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, South Africa

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An a priori system is presented for the broad structural classification of vegetation. The objectives are to provide a descriptive, consistent, easily applied system, with unambiguous, straight-forward terminology, which can be used in the field and with remote sensing and air photo techniques, and which can be used in conjuction with floristic and habitat terms to convey the essential physiognomy and structure of the vegetation. The attributes used are a primary set of four growth forms, a set of four projected crown cover classes, and a set of four height classes for each growth form. In addition, shrub substratum is used to define thicket and bushland. Special growth forms, substrata!, leaf and other attributes can be readily incorporated to extend the two-way table system where such detail is needed.


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Crossref Citations

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