Original Research

A survey of some of the pre-Linnean history of the genus Acacia/i>

I. H. Ross
Bothalia | Vol 13, No 1/2 | a1293 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v13i1/2.1293 | © 1980 I. H. Ross | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 06 November 1980 | Published: 06 November 1980

About the author(s)

I. H. Ross, National Herbarium of Victoria, Birdwood Avenue, South Africa

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The pre-Linnean history of the plants referred to the genus Acacia to some extent reflects the developmentof botanical description, classification and illustration. Attention is drawn to some of the earliest references toplants known to belong to the genus  Acacia and to references in selected herbals and publications up untilPhilip Miller’s description of the genus in the fourth abridged edition of his Gardeners Dictionary in 1754.


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Crossref Citations

1. Tannins from Acacia mearnsii De Wild. Bark: Tannin Determination and Biological Activities
Sosuke Ogawa, Yoshikazu Yazaki
Molecules  vol: 23  issue: 4  first page: 837  year: 2018  
doi: 10.3390/molecules23040837