Original Research
Studies in the Leguminosae— Papilionoideae of southern Africa
Submitted: 07 November 1981 | Published: 10 November 1981
About the author(s)
C. H. Stirton, Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, South AfricaFull Text:
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Six African species of Psoralea are transferred to Cullen Medik.: C. biflora (Harv.) C. H. Stirton, C. holubii (Burtt Davy) C. H. Stirton, C. drupacea (Bunge) C. H. Stirton, C. jaubertiana (Fenzl) C. H. Stirton, C. obtusifolia (DC.) C. H. Stirton and C. plicata (Del.) C. H. Stirton. Psoralea patersoniae Schonl. based on an introduced garden plant is placed under synonomy of Cullen corylifolia (L.) Medik. The following new names are published: Lebeckia waltersii C. H. Stirton of subgenus Plecolobium C. H. Stirton; Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C. H. Stirton of subgenus Bituminaria and B. acaulis (Stev.) C. H. Stirton of subgenus Christevenia Barneby ex C. H. Stirton; Rhynchosia arida C. H. Stirton; Eriosema gunniae C. H. Stirton, E. preptum C. H. Stirton and E. transvaalense C.H. Stirton. Eriosema capitatum E. Mey. is placed in synonomy with Psoralea tomentosa Thunb., but as P. tomentosa Thunb. is a later homonym of P. tomentosa Cav. it should be referred to P. sericea Poir.
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Crossref Citations
1. Notes on the genus Otholobium (Psoraleeae Fabaceae)
C. Stirton
South African Journal of Botany vol: 52 issue: 1 first page: 1 year: 1986
doi: 10.1016/S0254-6299(16)31592-7