Original Research

Acacia brevispica and A. schweinfurthii

J. H. Ross
Bothalia | Vol 10, No 3 | a1546 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v10i3.1546 | © 1971 J. H. Ross | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 November 1971 | Published: 14 November 1971

About the author(s)

J. H. Ross,

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Recently Brenan. in Kew Bull. 21 : 477-480 (1968). upheld  Acacia brevispica Harms and A. schweinfurthii Brenan & Exell as distinct species and recognized two subspecies within A. brevispica. These conclusions differ from earlier results published by Ross & Gordon- Gray in Brittonia 18: 44-63 (1966). Consequently it was considered necessary to re-examine these species in preparation for the account of  Acacia for the Flora of Southern Africa. Distribution maps of the two species are provided and the differences between the species tabulated and discussed. Despite certain difficulties in Natal. Brenan's taxonomic conclusions are adopted. A map showing the distribution of  A. schweinfurthii and  A. brevispica subsp. dregeana in Natal is provided and a selection of Natal specimens cited.


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