Original Research
A Variant of Acacia karroo from Sekukuniland
Submitted: 14 November 1971 | Published: 14 November 1971
About the author(s)
J. H. Ross, Botanical Research InstituteFull Text:
PDF (322KB)Abstract
The relationship of some densely pubescent specimens from Sekukuniland in the eastern Transvaal to Acacia gerrardii Benth. and to A. karroo Hayne is discussed. The specimens were found to represent part of the range of variation of A. karroo. A map showing the known distribution of the densely pubescent plants is provided.
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Crossref Citations
1. Species limits in Vachellia (Acacia) karroo (Mimosoideae: Leguminoseae): Evidence from automated ISSR DNA “fingerprinting”
C.L. Taylor, N.P. Barker
South African Journal of Botany vol: 83 first page: 36 year: 2012
doi: 10.1016/j.sajb.2012.07.014