Original Research
A revision of Ledebouria (Hyacinthaceae) in South Africa. 3. The reinstatement of L. ensifolia, L. galpiniiand L. sandersonii
Submitted: 04 September 2003 | Published: 12 September 2003
About the author(s)
T. J. Edwards, School of Botany and Zoology, University of Natal, South AfricaS. Venter, School of Botany and Zoology, University of Natal
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PDF (596KB)Abstract
Three taxa of Ledebouria Roth are raised from synonymy to species status, with notes, diagnostic characters and distributions. L galpinii (Baker) S.Venter & T.J.Edwards is a narrow endemic in the Wolkberg Centre and was formerly placed within L. cooperi (Hook.) Jessop. The other species, L sandersonii (Baker) S.Venter & T.J.Edwards and L ensifolia (Eckl.)S.Venter & T.J.Edwards, are closely allied to each other, sharing a number of synapomorphies.
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Crossref Citations
1. Four New Species of Ledebouria Roth. (Hyacinthaceae) from the High Altitude Grasslands of the Steenkampsberg, South Africa; Ledebouria purpurea, L. altopaludosa, L. steenkampsbergensis and L. noritica.
Andrew J. Hankey, Antonio de Castro
Haseltonia vol: 31 issue: 1 year: 2024
doi: 10.2985/026.031.0112