Original Research
Studies in the liverwort genus Fossombronia (Metzgeriales) from southern Africa, 1. Three new species from Northern Province, Gauteng and Mpumalanga
Submitted: 07 October 1997 | Published: 07 October 1997
About the author(s)
S. M. Perold, National Botanical Institute, South AfricaFull Text:
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Three new species of Fossombronia from Northern Province, Gauteng and Mpumalanga (formerly Transvaal) are described: F. gemmifera, F. glenii and F. straussiana. F. gemmifera is distinguished by a highly convoluted pseudoperianth, the frequent presence of gemmae produced dorsally on the stem, lamellate spores and mostly rather short elaters; F. glenii can be recognized by a smallish, deeply lobed pseudoperianth, perigonial bracts with finger-like projections shielding the antheridia and by spinous spores; F. straussiana is distinct by its hyaline or brownish rhizoids, by its dense, frilly leaves, its pseudoperianth with lamellate lateral outgrowths, by spore ornamentation that usually has inclusions in the incomplete areolae and by the elaters which are finely papillose.
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Crossref Citations
1. Fossombronia isaloensis Cargill & D.A.Callaghan, a new liverwort from sandstone massifs in southern Madagascar
D. Christine Cargill, Des A. Callaghan, Laura L. Forrest, Catherine Reeb
Journal of Bryology vol: 42 issue: 3 first page: 213 year: 2020
doi: 10.1080/03736687.2020.1792672