Original Research
Studies in the liverwort genus Fossombronia (Metzgeriales) from southern Africa. 3. An amendment to F. spinifolia
Submitted: 07 October 1997 | Published: 07 October 1997
About the author(s)
S. M. Perold, National Botanical Institute, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (980KB)Abstract
Fossombronia spinifolia was described by Stephani (1900) from a specimen collected by Breutel at Genadendal (Gnadenthal) during his visit to the Cape, which lasted from November 1853 to April 1854 (Gunn & Codd 1981). This species was not adequately described and illustrated by Stephani or by subsequent workers. Moreover, Scott & Pike (1987) misapplied the epithet, F. spinifolia, to specimens Amell had identified as F. leucoxantha, because they (Scott & Pike 1988) overlooked a capsule with ripe spores in the type specimen. An attempt is hereby made to describe and illustrate this species in greater detail in order to prevent more confusion in future.
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Crossref Citations
1. Spore ornamentation patterns and species delimitations within Australian Fossombronia Raddi (Fossombroniaceae) populations
Melita Milner, Ish Sharma, Virginia Freire, D. Christine Cargill
The Bryologist vol: 114 issue: 1 first page: 128 year: 2011
doi: 10.1639/0007-2745-114.1.128