Original Research

Phytosociological description of norite koppies in the Rustenburg area, North-West Province and refinement of the distribution of the Norite Koppies Bushveld on the national vegetation classification map of South Africa

A. J. H. Lamprecht, S. S. Cilliers, A. R. Götze, M. J. Du Toit
Bothalia | Vol 41, No 2 | a76 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v41i2.76 | © 2011 A. J. H. Lamprecht, S. S. Cilliers, A. R. Götze, M. J. Du Toit | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 17 December 2011 | Published: 17 December 2011

About the author(s)

A. J. H. Lamprecht, School for Environmental Science and Development. North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
S. S. Cilliers, School for Environmental Science and Development. North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa
A. R. Götze, Environment Research Consulting, Noordbrug, South Africa
M. J. Du Toit, School for Environmental Science and Development. North West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa

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The Norite Koppies Bushveld vegetation type boasts a distinctive and contrasting topography and species composition easily distinguished from that of surrounding areas. A phytosociological study was done on the leased mining area of the Impala Platinum Mining Company north of Rustenburg in the North-West Province. Similar norite koppies, situated west of the Norite Koppies Bushveld vegetation, and not yet mapped by Mucina & Rutherford (2006), were identified in the study area and phytosociologically described. Six plant communities and two subcommunities were identified. Multivariate statistical analyses (correspondence analyses) confirmed that the species composition of these areas corresponds with and does therefore form part of the Norite Koppies Bushveld vegetation type as described by Mucina & Rutherford (2006). Some of these communities contain Boscia albitrunca, a protected plant species, and should therefore be considered as areas with conservation value.


Braun-Blanquet Method; Conservation; Norite Koppies Bushveld; Phytosociology; Rustenburg; South Africa; Vegetation Map


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Crossref Citations

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