Original Research

Studies in the Ericoideae (Ericaceae). XV. The generic relationship between Erica and Ericinella

E. G. H. Oliver
Bothalia | Vol 24, No 2 | a761 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v24i2.761 | © 1994 E. G. H. Oliver | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 10 October 1994 | Published: 10 October 1994

About the author(s)

E. G. H. Oliver, Stellenbosch Herbarium, National Botanical lystitutc, South Africa

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The small African genus Ericinella Klotzsch, with one species in Malawi and SW Tanzania and three in the Eastern Cape is shown to exhibit variability in its delimiting characters that overlap with those of Blaeria L. and Philippia Klotzsch, both of which have recently been included under Erica. It is postulated that the genus, like the two above, is unnatural and polyphyletic. The genus is therefore included under Erica and the relevant nomenclatural changes are provided: Erica amatolensis E.G.H. Oliv., nom. nov. (= Ericinella multiflora Klotzsch), E. passerinoides (Bolus) E.G.H. Oliv., comb, nov., E. hillburttii (E.G.H. Oliv.) E.G.H. Oliv., comb, nov., and E. microdonta (C.H. Wright) E.G.H. Oliv., comb. nov.


Africa; <i>Blaeria</i>; bract; bracteoles. <i>Erica</i>; <i>Ericinella</i>; <i>Philippia</i>; taxonomy


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Crossref Citations

1. Studies in the Ericaceae (Ericoideae) XVIII. Two new species ofErica from the southern part of South Africa
E. G. H. Oliver, I. M. Oliver
Feddes Repertorium  vol: 106  issue: 5-8  first page: 347  year: 1996  
doi: 10.1002/fedr.4921060505