Original Research
Studies in the genus Riccia (Marchantiales) from southern Africa. 24. R. moenkemeyeri, subgenus Ricciella: new records
Submitted: 10 October 1992 | Published: 14 October 1992
About the author(s)
S. M. Perold, National Botanical Institute, South AfricaFull Text:
PDF (980KB)Abstract
Riccia moenkemeyeri was twice described by Stephani (1887, 1891), the second time as R abnormis. Amell (1952) described it as R. undulata. It is clearly a plastic species (Jones 1957) and is widely distributed in tropical Africa, from Sierra Leone (as R. undulata), Nigeria, Cameroon and into the Congo Basin. Until recendy, Sim’s specimens from the Matopos in Zimbabwe, were the most southerly records known, but the species has now also been collected in southern Africa, just east of Pretoria and at Kransberg, in the western Transvaal.
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Crossref Citations
1. Lectotypification of the Linnaean names Ricciafluitans and R. natans (Ricciaceae)
Duilio Iamonico, Mauro Iberite, Gerry Moore, James Lendemer, Erin Tripp
TAXON vol: 63 issue: 2 first page: 394 year: 2014
doi: 10.12705/632.9