Original Research

An overview of Penicillium (Hyphomycetes) and associated teleomorphs in southern Africa

A. L. Schutte
Bothalia | Vol 22, No 1 | a827 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v22i1.827 | © 1992 A. L. Schutte | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 13 October 1992 | Published: 14 October 1992

About the author(s)

A. L. Schutte, Mycology Unit, Plant Protection Research Institute, South Africa

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Literature on the hyphomycete genus Penicillium Link and its teleomorphs, Eupenicillium Ludwig and  Talaromyces C.R.Benjamin, is surveyed in the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and Transkei up to 1990. References are grouped under the headings, general mycology, plant pathology, industrial application, medical importance, mycotoxins and chemical work. An alphabetical list of the species recorded in southern Africa as well as the host and/or substrate from which each species has been reported is presented with relevant literature references; specimens in various culture collections are also incorporated. Although most of the known Penicillium species have already been reported from southern Africa, in-depth work is still required in all fields of research concerning this genus.


Eupenicillium; fungi; Hyphomycetes; Penicillium; overview; southern Africa; Talaromyces; taxonomy


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