Original Research

A checklist of the flowering plants and ferns of Swartboschkloof, Jonkershoek, Cape Province

D. J. Mcdonald, M. Morley
Bothalia | Vol 18, No 2 | a1049 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v18i2.1049 | © 1988 D. J. Mcdonald, M. Morley | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 23 October 1988 | Published: 23 October 1988

About the author(s)

D. J. Mcdonald, Botanical Research Unit, South Africa
M. Morley, Botanical Research Unit, South Africa

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A list of Dowering plants and ferns of Swartboschkloof is presented. This list represents a combination of species recorded in Van der Merwe (1966), Werger, Kruger & Taylor (1972), McDonald (1983, 1985) and specimens collected from Swartboschkloof housed in the Government Herbarium, Stellenbosch (STE) and the Wicht Herbarium, Jonkershoek (JI ). The checklist is analysed and the flora of Swartboschkloof compared with the respective floras of Cape Hangklip and Cape Point  (sensu Taylor 1985).distribution of major vegetation units or veld types in the Zuurberg National Park, situated on the eastern limits of the Fynbos Biome, is presented. Structural and floristic criteria are used to describe and map five basic units, namely Afromontane Forest, Subtropical Thicket, Mountain Fynbos, Grassy Fynbos and Grassland.


checklist; ferns; flowering plants Swartboschkloof


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Crossref Citations

1. Heterogeneity, speciation/extinction history and climate: explaining regional plant diversity patterns in the Cape Floristic Region
R. M. Cowling, A. T. Lombard
Diversity and Distributions  vol: 8  issue: 3  first page: 163  year: 2002  
doi: 10.1046/j.1472-4642.2002.00143.x