Notes on African Plants
A west-east vegetation transect through Africa south of the Tropic of Capricorn
Submitted: 13 November 1975 | Published: 13 November 1975
About the author(s)
B. J. Coetzee, Botanic il Research Institute. Department of Agricultural Techehnical Services,M. J. A. Werger, Botanical laboratory, Netherlands
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PDF (7MB)Abstract
Changes in predominant vegetation physiognomy, prominent species and physiography along the route following an I 800 km transect across southern Africa near the Tropic of Capricorn, are described. Eleven main discontinuities in the structure and Holistic composition of the vegetation along the transect are related to a climatic gradient across the Continent. Floristic variation within the main structural types is largely related to rainfall, severity of frost, soil conditions, exposure, slope and aspect. The main vegetation classes distinguished coincide largely with major differences in carrying capacity of the vegetation.
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