Original Research

New species and notes on the genus Cliffortia (Rosaceae)

C. M. Whitehouse, A. C. Fellingman
Bothalia | Vol 37, No 1 | a291 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v37i1.291 | © 2007 C. M. Whitehouse, A. C. Fellingman | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 August 2007 | Published: 18 August 2007

About the author(s)

C. M. Whitehouse, Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, South Africa
A. C. Fellingman, Bolus Herbarium, University of Cape Town, South Africa

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Seven new species of Cliffortia L. endemic to the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) are described. C. anthospermoides. C. cruciata. C. ferricola, C. gracillima. C. perpendicularis. C. sparsa and C. weimarckii. A further species from the Graaff- Reinet area, described by Weimarck but not formally named, is here given the name C. bolusii. New varieties C cuneata var. cylindrica and C.filifolia var arenaria are also described, and C. gracilis Harv. is recombined as C. dentata var. gracilis. Cliffortia discolor Weim. and C.  hermaphroditica Weim. are reduced to synonyms of C.  odorata L.f. and C. juniperina L.f. respectively. There are now 132 species recognized in Cliffortia, 124 of which are found in the CFR and 109 endemic to the region.


Cape Floristic Region; Cliffortia L.; endemic; new combinations; new species; Rosaceae


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Crossref Citations

1. Taking the scenic route – the southern Great Escarpment (South Africa) as part of the Cape to Cairo floristic highway
Vincent R. Clark, Nigel Barker, Laco Mucina
Plant Ecology & Diversity  vol: 4  issue: 4  first page: 313  year: 2011  
doi: 10.1080/17550874.2011.619584