Original Research

Three new species and a new synonym in Strumaria (Amaryllidaceae: Amaryllideae) from southern Africa

D. A. Snijman
Bothalia | Vol 35, No 1 | a365 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v35i1.365 | © 2005 D. A. Snijman | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 25 August 2005 | Published: 29 August 2005

About the author(s)

D. A. Snijman, Compton Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute, South Africa

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Newly described are three species of Strumaria Jacq. subgenus Strumaria. S. prolifera Snijman from the Kourkammaberg in Namaqualand, South Africa, is a rare species closely allied to 5.  barbarae Oberm. S. speciosa Snijman from the Sonberg, southern Namibia and S. luteoloba Snijman from Namuskluft, southern Namibia and the Richtersveld in Northern Cape, South Africa, are rare species closely related to  S. phonolithica Dinter.  S. gigantea D.Mull.-Doblies & U.Miill.-Doblies is formally presented as a new synonym of S.  phonolithica. A key to the species in Strumaria subgenus Strumaria is given.


Amaryllidaceae, Amaryllideae. key, new rare species, southern Africa, <i>Strumaria</i> Jacq.


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Crossref Citations

1. New species of Hessea and Strumaria (Amaryllidaceae: Amaryllideae) from Namaqualand in Northern Cape and Western Cape, South Africa
D.A. Snijman
South African Journal of Botany  vol: 146  first page: 66  year: 2022  
doi: 10.1016/j.sajb.2021.10.010