Original Research

A phytosociological study of Signal Hill, Cape Town, utilizing both perennial and ephemeral species

C. Joubert, E. J. Moll
Bothalia | Vol 22, No 2 | a850 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/abc.v22i2.850 | © 1992 C. Joubert, E. J. Moll | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 14 October 1992 | Published: 14 October 1992

About the author(s)

C. Joubert, Cape Technikon, South Africa
E. J. Moll, Botany Department. University of Cape Town, South Africa

Full Text:



A phytosociological study based on the collection of vegetation and environmental data from 53 randomly stratified sample plots on Signal Hill, Cape Town, was carried out over an area of 124 ha. The survey extended over 12 months to ensure the inclusion of as many plant species as possible, and a list of the vascular plant species was compiled. A total of 81 families, 255 genera and 460 species was identified. The phytosociological method revealed that only one major plant community occurs in the study area and two subcommunities, with a total of five variants correlated mostly with aspect and historic land use, were identified. The perennially and seasonally identifiable species were analysed separately to determine their relative contribution to the phytosociological classification. The two data sets gave similar classifications. A vegetation map as well as a soil map was compiled.


ephemeral; perennial; phytosociology; West Coast Renosterveld


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Crossref Citations

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